Title: The Kármán Line
Author: Dennis Hopeless
"It’s all sex, lies and betrayal on a reality show streaming from space until the crew receives a message reading “ABORT MISSION AND GET HOME NOW”. Things unravel quickly as they find their shuttle damaged and a crew member dead. They’ll have to fight to survive and escape... With cameras recording everything.
Rated: MATURE" Via NetGalley
Rating: ⭐️⭐️
Thank you to NetGalley and Mad Cave Studios for a gifted copy.
I had such high hopes for this graphic novel, and it just did not have the impact that I wanted it to. In The Kármán Line we follow a group of people in space and they are filming a reality TV show. When the unthinkable happens to them they have to do whatever it takes to survive.
Normally this would be right up my alley, and that cover is one of the best covers I have ever seen. However, this graphic novel was confusing. The plot loses threads and it was hard to follow. The characters also never gained any dimension, and we got so little information about them that you didn’t care if they lived or died.