Title: Slender Man
By: Anonymous
Synopsis: " One man’s search for the truth about one of the most intriguing urban legends ever—the modern bogeyman, Slender Man—leads him down a dark, dangerous path in this creepy supernatural fantasy reminiscent of Night Film, House of Leaves, and Illuminae, that will make you question where the line between legend and fact begins A young man is desperate to find his missing friend . . . desperate enough to resort to the darkest means. But just how much is he willing to pay the Slender Man in order to save her? Told through a variety of narrative devices, including photos, journal entries, e-mails, articles, and other artifacts, this unique spine-tingling story is a brilliant and terrifying look at one of the most fascinating—and diabolical—mythical figures in modern times." - Good Reads
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
When I finished this book last night, I rated it 3.5 stars. However, I had awful Slender Man nightmares all night last night, so I am bumping it up to 4 stars.
I love urban legends and scary pictures, and one of my favorites is the modern boogeyman, Slender Man. This book is about a high school student and his search for his missing friend Lauren. Overall, this was a short, creepy story that makes the modern legend of Slender Man come alive. It is a great story to read this fall.
What I liked
- The format of this book was great. This book uses police interviews, text messages, voice recordings, newspaper articles, and Whatsapp conversations to tell its story. This made it feel like a literary found footage film.
-The parts that were voice recordings were very creepy, and I couldn’t wait to see what happened next. The author also did a great job showing the tension between characters.
-The setting was very atmospheric, especially the scenes that took place at night. I could feel the cold on my skin and eyes watching me from the woods outside my window.
What I didn’t like
- I was left with questions. Despite the ending being climactic, I still had questions after this story concluded. It left me still wanting to know what happened next.
- It is written as anonymous.