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Silver Nitrate Review



This book was incredibly hard to rate! I enjoy Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s writing and this story had a lot of marvelous moments, but there were parts in the middle that dragged a lot. It is definitely a slow burn novel, and that often isn’t my cup of tea. The most action is definitely in the last 10% of the book. I will definitely be reading more from Silvia Moreno-Garcia in the future.

What I enjoyed

🪄Literal movie magic

🪄Mexican horror movie history


🪄The mystery aspect of the story

What didn’t work for me

🪄VERY slow burn

🪄Light horror and leans more literary fiction

🪄The main characters were not likeable

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House - Del Ray for my gifted copy.⁠


Final Rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️


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