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Salem's Lot Review

Synopsis: " Salem's Lot is a small New England town with white clapboard houses, tree-lined streets, and solid church steeples. That summer in 'Salem's Lot was a summer of home-coming and return; spring burned out and the land lying dry, crackling underfoot. Late that summer, Ben Mears returned to 'Salem's Lot hoping to cast out his own devils... and found instead a new unspeakable horror." - Good Reads

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ .5


I loved Salem's Lot. This book was everything that I wanted it to be. The prologue hooked me right away, and I was captivated until the epilogue. I must admit the epilogue was a bit lackluster compared to the rest of the book. ⁠

The story never lagged for me, and once the action came to a peak, there was no break for the reader, foreboding on every page. None of the characters I loved ever felt safe, and I was waiting with bated breath for them to meet their end. ⁠

The small town of Salem's Lot was ordinary on the outside, with darkness lurking underneath and in the dark. The characters are all incredible. Marsten House is a character itself which I really enjoyed. ⁠

This is hands down the best vampire book that I have ever read. The vampires in this book are truly terrifying, and I certainly wouldn't want them moving into my town. They are both intelligent and blood-thirsty, dismantling Salem's Lot from within. ⁠


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