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Rites of Extinction Review


"Rebecca Daniels is a down-and-out private investigator on the hunt for her daughter’s killer. The trail leads to Bright Fork, a sleepy New Hampshire town where Rebecca discovers this is no ordinary manhunt. Her investigation becomes a tangle of brutal killings, secret rituals, and terrifying visions that force Rebecca to question reality. This is more than an opportunity to take revenge on the one who tore her family to pieces. It’s a chance to confront the darkness growing inside of her, the madness that threatens to possess her entirely." Via Good Reads

Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⁠


"All of yesterday, a dream. All of today, a nightmare."⁠

This was such a great book! So short, but really packs a punch!⁠

The story starts as a revenge thriller and ends with a gory horror⁠

story. Not everything is what it seems... ⁠

Rebecca is an investigator looking for her missing daughter; that is all I want to say. The less you know about this book, the more shocking it will be.⁠

I definitely recommend you pick up Rites of Extinction if you enjoy short books, horror novels, and gore.


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