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Revamping My Reading Habits for 2024

Flatlay picture of a planner and journal

It is January 2nd and the year 2024 is fresh and new! I love a new year, a fresh start, and I LOVE goals. I am ready to take on the year and with it I am revamping the way I read. These are reading habits that will hopefully change the way I consume books in 2024!

Using a Reading Journal

The biggest change is going to be starting a reading journal within a Hobonichi Cousin planner. I have never had a reading planner before, but I think it will be a fun and creative way to share my book reviews!

Read More Library Books

I NEED to utilize my library more. My shelves are getting stuffed (not complaining), and I need to wrap around not needing to own the copies of what I read. This isn't a no-buy, but it is a way to curb the number of books being added to my shelves every month!

Get My NetGalley Score Back to 80%

I am going to spend some time this year making sure I keep my score high on NetGalley. My TBR tends to be a tad scatterbrained, and I really want to make sure I am getting to books that are sent to me for review.

Read One KU Book Per Month

I want to spend more time utilizing the book subscriptions that I pay for. That means once a month selecting a book from KU (Kindle Unlimited) to read.

Read One NightWorms Book Per Month

Just like the last goal NightWorms is a subscription that I am a part of, and I don't always get to the books in a timely manner. This is hopefully going to hold me accountable.

Those are all of my non-number related goals and reading habits going into 2024! I will keep you all updated on my progress. What are your goals this year?


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