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Reception Review

Title: Reception

By: Kenzie Jennings

Synopsis: " While her rehab counselor’s advice replays in her mind, Ansley Boone takes on the role of dutiful bridesmaid in her little sister’s wedding at an isolated resort in the middle of hill country, a place where cell reception is virtually nonexistent and everyone else there seems a stranger primed to spring. Tensions are already high between the Boones and their withdrawal suffering eldest, who has since become the family embarrassment, but when the wedding reception takes a vicious turn, Ansley and her sister must work together to fight for survival and escape the resort before the groom’s cannibalistic family adds them to the post wedding menu." - Good Reads

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


It is a Sawyer family wedding… Kind of. What if your family took you out of rehab to attend your sister’s wedding, and she was unknowingly marrying into a family of sadistic cannibals? ⁠

“Friend of Nathan’s family runs it. Most of them are out for the weekend, except for some of the kitchen staff, their cousins, who are amazing cooks. They had these steak kabobs for dinner tonight, and the meat just melted in your mouth. I don’t think I’ve ever had a steak that tender.” ⁠

This book was SHOCKING! I love books that can surprise me. And man, oh man, did this one surprise me! I did not expect the ending at all, and I am still completely blindsided by it. ⁠

Reception is a slow-burn novel, and it takes till about the halfway point for the bloody horror elements of the book to get underway. However, once the action starts, it REALLY starts, and I could NOT put this book down.⁠

If you enjoy gory horror, then I highly recommend this book, especially for getting out of a reading slump. I also recommend this book to fans who love movies like Ready or Not (one of my favorites).⁠

Reception by Kenzie Jennings is an amazing and blood-chilling debut novel that you do not want to miss.⁠


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