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Hunted Review


"She only went off the trail for a moment...

22-year-old Eileen goes missing while hiking in the remote Ashlough Forest. Five days later, her camera is discovered washed downriver, containing bizarre photos taken after her disappearance.

Chris wants to believe Eileen is still alive. When the police search is abandoned, he and four of his friends create their own search party to scour the mountain range. As they stray further from the hiking trails and the unsettling discoveries mount, they begin to believe they’re not alone in the forest… and that Eileen’s disappearance wasn’t an accident.

By that point, it’s too late to escape." Via Good Reads

Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


THIS BOOK! If you haven’t read Hunted already then you need to pick this up as your next summer horror read! I loved everything about it.

I could not put this book down once the action started and it doesn’t take long for the stakes to get high. The survival element of this story was SCARY and there was a thriller aspect to this horror novel that I really enjoyed.

The characters in this book were all well fleshed out and while not all likable (Todd is one of the creepiest men ever) but I was invested in all of their stories.

The best part about this story? It is gory! It is gritty! And it makes you think twice before going for a hike.


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