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Hide Review


"The challenge: Spend a week hiding in an abandoned amusement park and don’t get caught.

The prize: enough money to change everything.

Even though everyone is desperate to win—to seize a dream future or escape a haunting past—Mack is sure she can beat her competitors. All she has to do is hide, and she’s an expert at that.

It’s the reason she’s alive and her family isn’t.

But as the people around her begin disappearing one by one, Mack realizes that this competition is even more sinister than she imagined, and that together might be the only way to survive.

Fourteen competitors. Seven days. Everywhere to hide but nowhere to run.

Come out, come out, wherever you are." Via NetGalley

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐.5


Who doesn't want to play a game of hide and seek in an abandoned amusement park?! If you win you get 50,000 dollars. If you lose something sinister may happen... ⁠

This book was not what I expected, and like a lot of my reads⁠

lately, I have mixed feelings about it. ⁠

At first, this reminded me of Squid Games, and then it quickly made a turn in another direction. The feeling of being hunted was present while reading this book, and the further I got into the story the harder it was to put down.

If you go into this book expecting to read a slasher with all the action on the page, I think you will be disappointed. It is clearly a YA novel even though it is labeled as adult. ⁠

The characters in this book were interesting. We follow people of all backgrounds and as the story evolves, we learn more about where they came from. Mack was our main character, and I was pleasantly surprised by her back story. ⁠I cared about what happened to all of the characters and that is a connection I always strive to have while reading horror.

Overall, I liked the queer relationship introduced in this book, however there was a bit of Instalove that I wasn't crazy about.

⁠There are several elements of this story that didn't work for me. ⁠

- lack of gore ⁠

- too many points of view⁠

- A bit of instalove ⁠

- The ending seemed too clean for me⁠

If you enjoy YA horror, books involving games, and books involving a lot of characters then I think you will really enjoy this book!⁠

Hide is out TODAY, May 24th.⁠

Thank you so much to @netgalley and @delreybooks for my advanced copy! ⁠


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