I have been reading the Harrower comic as issues have been released, but now it has been released as one whole story in graphic novel format. It was such a fun ride, and I am so excited non-comic readers will still get to experience this story!

Harrower feels like it is going to turn down a typical teen slasher route and then takes a darker and more horrifying turn. The first and last issue were definitely the strongest in my opinion, but I enjoyed the journey of the whole story. This is definitely a fun little horror comic that is fast paced, gorey, and surprising.
The art was fine. I didn’t love it, but I didn't hate it either. The only thing about this story that lowered my rating was the pace of the story. I think this could have been more fleshed out with more issues. Everything just felt a bit rushed and some twists came out of nowhere. The ending definitely needed more length.
Overall, a good short graphic novel that will keep you on your toes.