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August Wrap Up


August was a mixed month for me. Every book I finished was between 4 and 5 stars. However, there were two really big disappointments that I just couldn't bring myself to finish.

Favorite Book: They Came From the Ocean

Books I Didn't Finish

  • Summer Slashers Anthology Vol. 1 - This was a disaster. No slashing in this slasher anthology.

  • The Counselors - Intriguing, just wasn’t in a YA mood. I will pick it up again next summer

  • Butcher in the Cabin - Horribly written, could not make it another page.

Books I am Still Reading

Suburban Hell

The Gypsy Moths

Books I Read

One of the Girls by Lucy Clarke

4 Stars

We Can Never Leave This Place by Eric LaRocca

5 Stars

Barbarian Lover by Ruby Dixon

4 Stars

They Came From The Ocean by Boris Bacic

5 Stars

Sea of Sorrows by Rich Douek and Alex Cormack

4 Stars

Cells at Work! Vol 2

5 Stars

LumberJanes Vol 8

5 Stars

Plastic Monsters

5 stars

Monthly Reading Stats

Pages Read:

Average Rating: ⭐⁠


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